I'm not rooting for Lord Wotsit but the building of an eight mile wall around his splendid private plot could have kept local workers in funds over several Welsh winters. I never pass a park wall in England without thinking how its erection would have served the local farm workers in the farming off season. Of course they should have been paid more generously for the work they did throughout the on season but that's another matter...

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Ravens used to follow bands of armed men [ an "army" was 30 men or more] noted in this country from the 5th c onwards. They knew there were likely to be pickings afterwards. The bigger the army, the more ravens.

The ones that nest at the Showground in Builth have relatives that nest in the hills to the south. When they come visiting, and it's time to return, the Showground couple come to 'see them off' and peel off back to the RWAS roughly over my house. Sometimes, they get bored and suddenly loop the loop, or fly upside down. I expect those are "teenagers". They have an AMAZING vocabulary: you hear the weirdest sounds and investigate - sure enough, there's a raven overhead. I LOVE them.

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