Just lovely. I will treasure our Rookery in the Three Wise Oaks even more

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And lovely writing as usual. Especially lovely title.

I would dearly like to hear your source for the Royston crow. I live near there and have not found the story of why there were apparently hoodies here. Not a convincing one anyway.

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I investigated the Royston crow a few years ago (in Royston) but now I can't find the source you require.. I'll let you know when I do. However, crows are known to migrate both in Europe and the US, and what is interesting to me is that their migrations appear to be intelligent choices rather than (as in most bird) instinctual. That crows chose to fly from Europe to Royston when there was a good food source but changed their behaviour in response to a good permanent food source at home (and changes in sheep farming in Herts)would suggest that the behaviour is intelligent and even maybe cultural, ie a group of birds learns to do it,and also can decide to change behaviour.. Most of the research I can find this morning is on crows in th US. I might do some digging and write a piece on the Royston (or even the hooded) crow.

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